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当对allegro软件PCB层叠结构进行设置的时候,某一层可以设置为plane或者conduct,平面层和走线层。但是我发现无论是设置成plane还是conduct,这一层都可以走线,手动铺铜皮,edit-split creat这样去灌铜进行铜皮分割。既然这样,那么设置层的时候,plane和cond

新手刚学用AD,遇到一个问题:添加缝合孔时,总是提示“Unable to locate any suitable locations on net GND”,说是在GND网络上找不到合适位置放孔。下面是我的添加缝合孔设置在网上也找不到相关解答,求大佬帮助

有大神遇到过Package keepin层删不掉的情况吗?file:///一直显示Selected item not valid for current operation, ignored: Rectangle "Package Keepin/All"No valid items selected

Class Document Source Message Time Date No.[Error] Sheet1.SchDoc Compiler Net LCDCS has only one pin (Pin P1-1) 8:36:15

CAP Duplicate Pad Name OnpadsPad Free-1(-53.15mil,0mil) on Multi-Layer And Pad Free-1(-53.15mil,0mil) on Multi-LayerCAP Duplicate Primit

按照破解步骤进行,到License Server Data 这一步出问题,Host Name更改没问题,但是Log File 没有找到debug.log,接下来提示:StartService failed:UNKNOWN(找不到服务器)请问各位大神怎么解决这个问题,debug.log这个文件路径哪里

Duplicate Component Designators P1 AT 250,360 and 1054,535 这个怎么解决

Compiler Off gridat 574.854,250怎么解决